Complete the following sentences. Answers 1. James plays hockey as well as cricket. 2. He must be asleep for there is no light in his… Continue reading
Joining two or more simple sentences into one compound sentence
A compound sentence is one having two or more co-ordinate clauses. Hence it can be formed only with the help of coordinating conjunctions. By using… Continue reading
Sentence Synthesis Exercise
Combine each of the following sets of sentences into one compound sentence. 1. Tom plays hockey. He plays cricket. 2. He knows English. He also… Continue reading
Formation of compound sentences using adversative conjunctions
Two simple sentences can be joined into one using the coordinating conjunctions but, yet, still, however, whereas and nevertheless. Note that these conjunctions are used… Continue reading
Formation of compound sentences
A compound sentence is one having two or more co-ordinate clauses. It is formed with the help of coordinating conjunctions. By using and Two simple… Continue reading