When the reporting verb is in the past tense, all present tenses in the direct speech will change into the corresponding past tenses. For example,… Continue reading
Direct and indirect speech exercise
Fill in the blanks. Answers 1. The stranger asked me if I could help him. 2. The clerk asked the officer if he could go.… Continue reading
Reporting Questions
When we report questions the indirect speech is introduced by verbs such as ask and inquire. Note that in reported questions the subject normally comes… Continue reading
Detailed rules for change of tenses in indirect speech
When the reporting verb is in the past tense, all present tenses of the direct speech change to corresponding past tenses. The simple present tense… Continue reading
Indirect Speech: Change in Pronouns, Adverbs and Tenses
Pronouns A change of speaker may mean a change of pronoun. Study the following sentences: Alice (on Sunday evening): I don’t like this party. I… Continue reading