The verbs can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must and ought are called modal auxiliary verbs. Modal auxiliary verbs are used before infinitives… Continue reading
Talking about certainty
Modal auxiliary verbs can express different degrees of certainty about an action or a fact. Complete certainty The modal auxiliaries will, shall, can and must… Continue reading
Modal Auxiliary Verbs: Exercise
Fill in the blanks with appropriate modal auxiliary verbs. Each question is followed by four suggested answers. Choose the most appropriate one. Answers 1. He… Continue reading
Uses of shall and will
With the first person The modal auxiliary verb shall is used with first person pronouns to express the strong possibility or near certainty of an… Continue reading
Modal Auxiliary Verbs and Principal Verbs – Differences
The special verbs can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, ought, dare and need are called modal auxiliary verbs. Modal auxiliary verbs have… Continue reading