Person The grammatical category which is used to distinguish participants in a conversation. English distinguishes three persons. The first person represents the speaker or speakers.… Continue reading
Grammar terms beginning with P
Participial adjective A word form which is identical in form to the participle but which functions as an adjective. Examples are: rolling stone, fallen leaf,… Continue reading
Grammar terms beginning with Letter D
Dangling participle A dangling participle is a participle which is not grammatically linked to the rest of the sentence. For example, in the sentence ‘Standing… Continue reading
Grammar terms beginning with C
Complex preposition A preposition which consists of two or three words. Examples are: in spite of, in front of, out of, on top of etc.… Continue reading
Grammar terms
Bare infinitive An infinitive not preceded by to. Examples are: write, work, sing, draw, paint etc. Bound morpheme A morpheme which cannot stand alone to… Continue reading