Negative verb forms are made by putting not after an auxiliary verb. If there are two auxiliary verbs, not goes after the first. She has… Continue reading
Formation of negatives
Each positive sentence given below is followed by two forms of its negative. Put a tick mark against the correct form and say why the… Continue reading
Transforming negative sentences into the affirmative
Fill in the blanks. Answers 1. No sooner had I reached the station than the train left. 2. No sooner had the umpire given the… Continue reading
Make Negative Sentences
Change the following affirmative sentences into negative. Answers 1. I do not like to read science fiction. 2. Dogs do not chase cats. 3. Dogs… Continue reading
Non-assertive words
There are some words which are mainly used in affirmative sentences. Examples are: some, once, already, somebody, something, sometimes, somewhere, someone etc. These words are… Continue reading