These words are often confused. Those forms that end in ce or cy are nouns. The other forms that end in se or sy are… Continue reading
Words confused
Couple and pair Couple: a husband and wife or a boyfriend and girlfriend. Two couples remained on the dance floor. Pair: two things of the… Continue reading
Words commonly confused
Admit and confess To admit is to acknowledge truth. Admit can also mean ‘allow somebody to enter’. I must admit that it was a tempting… Continue reading
Words confused
Rob and steal Rob: deprive somebody of his property; take (property) from a place unlawfully and often by force Armed men robbed the state bank… Continue reading
Confusing words exercise
Complete the following sentences. 1. Although they were an …………………. couple, they didn’t have an …………………… .. divorce. a) amiable; amicable b) amicable; amiable 2.… Continue reading