Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. 1. He gets to the market by bike. 2. My parents live in Singapore. 3. I go to… Continue reading
Active and passive voice exercise
Change the following sentences so that the verbs will be in the passive voice. Answers 1. The spider was killed by the boy. 2. The… Continue reading
Nouns exercise 1
Complete the following sentences. Answers 1. Where is your luggage? 2. I would like to paint the scenery. 3. She gave me a piece of… Continue reading
Future tense quiz
Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate form of the verb. Answers 1. The train leaves at 6 pm. 2. I will phone you… Continue reading
Less and least: exercise
Fill in the blanks with less, little, least or lesser. Answers 1. The apple is less sweet than the mango. (NOT The apple is less… Continue reading